Which Way Is The School House

NGC 2174: Stars Versus Mountains 

Credit: ESA, Hubble, NASA

How did the system of institutional education begin? Have people from the dawn of time always taught their children in school houses? Well interesting enough, education of young people has existed since the dawn of mankind; beginning with tribal communities whose elders were responsible for teaching a secret knowledge to boys who reach puberty. This secret knowledge was treated as spiritual in nature because it was the knowledge of how to survive in the wilderness, as well as how to distinguish what plant foods were good to eat in their season. In conjunction with this education was learning how to build shelters sufficient for protecting himself as well as a wife and future family from the elements of the local area.

Thus education began as a very meaningful experience which was handled as sacred because the recipient would live or die based upon the receipt of this knowledge. The successful completion of training by village elders was tested in a unique ceremony defined as a rite of passage, firmly establishing a demarcation between childhood and manhood. The impetus to learn this essential knowledge was reinforced by knowing that life or death were the ultimate evaluation of a test that didn't have a letter grade but simply a pass and live or, fail and die score.

So how did education change from the definitely meaningful community based sacred rite conveying the essential knowledge of how to live in harmony with nature, to the very arbitrary meaningless system of education that exists today? Naturally the investigation of this question does take a bit of thought and may appear less than parsimonious, however considering I survived both the system of institutional education and the education in nature, there is something to say about this matter.

As mention briefly in the foregoing page, my life as an educator began when I was twenty seven years old while I was still pursuing graduate level research in theoretical physics at the University of California San Diego. This web page contains a small segment of by personal biography which explains the traumatic event that changed my life in a profound way. Suffice it to say that after this event many parts of my life began to change in a very rapid way. The most significant change occurred in the manner of work that employed my life; before the profound event, my employment was with the department of defense in the United States Navy where I served humanity by servicing communication equipment for high technology machines of death and destruction (please consider what an F14 Tomcat Jet aircraft is designed for). After the traumatic life changing event (which just happened to occur just before my honorably discharge from the Navy), I soon found myself at the end of a semester of study, at the end of my Navy career and one special night, homeless.

Having a love for the outdoors and camping, I carried my backpack with me everywhere; in this unique love for the outdoors imparted by my father, as he took me on numerous camping trips to may beautiful areas of wilderness beauty, I unknowingly acquired some of the primordial secret knowledge which allowed a son to survive in the wilderness. A key point to recognize at this juncture is the common denominator of a spiritual dimension associated with both the traumatic event that threatened my life and the mystery of secret knowledge conveyed by my father during my childhood. Why would I point out this common denominator as a critical juncture? This is indicated now because it is an important component when one investigates the origin of education as it exists today.


In brief review before pressing on, the catastrophic event where my life was threatened by powerful people associated with organized crime brought me to a place where every conceivable refuge was removed, all friends ran away in fear, I couldn't leave the house without the threat of being shot by people who certainly didn't want me to inform the authorities about their intentions. Alone in a kitchen on that dark night I did something for the first time in my life, something that I have had to repeat through my life since that time each followed by an event of such power that words fail to detail the awesomness. However, the most recent encounter with this incredible power has been detailed in the story I wrote about an event in the Convergence of two rivers here in Alaska. Such inexplicable events bringing wonder and beauty have a spiritual dimension to them. My career in teaching began after this first event when I was in my late twenties.

As I was saying, I had been evicted by tenants from my friend's house during a time when tenants grew weary of my incessant nagging associated with how wet and dirty they left the communal areas of the bathroom and kitchen. With no landlord to defend myself imposed position as proxy landlord, the agitated tenants from India enlisted the help of a rather tall black tenant and the hulking strength of similarity disgruntled marine soldier tenant. It didn't take long for them to collectively but not so neatly gather my belongings and throw them on the sidewalk in front of the garage as a landing area as my body was collectively lifted and thrown on top of my belongings.

It was in southern California in the early evening that this happened. Not having many belongings except my tent, sleeping bag and cooking gear, I picked myself up off the ground fortunately unharmed and began to stow my gear in my back pack. Unknown to me the neighbor in the house next to the one I had been tossed out of had been watching. I had met him in recent days before and found that he and I had something in common, that was a knowledge and identity of what changed my life the night my friends left me to the fate of thugs from local organized crime. In the cool of the evening he greeted me over the fence as I packed my backpack and hoist it on to my back.

This greeting of his was simple and kind, “It a nice evening tonight isn't it?” At first I was surprised he didn't mention anything about the dramatic eviction which he witnessed, but I just said, “Yeah it been quite an evening.” and began to walk slowly down the sidewalk trying to figure out where I could safely camp that night. The neighbor followed me along his property line and asked me where I was off to. I told him I had to find a place to camp because my house mates figure it would be the best thing for me to do. To my surprise, the neighbor said, “You are very welcome to stay in my house if you would like.” I was very surprised at his invitation since I knew he had a couple of grade school children which I witnessed playing in the back yard on a number of occasions. I did a double take figuring I must have heard him wrong so I asked him what he said. In response he repeated that I was welcome to come into his house to sleep rather than camp out in an urban area.

What came out of this friendly invitation which had all the semblance of a meeting with a celestial angel was the amazing discovery that he was a teacher at a high school near UCDS where I had been doing my studies. The one night stay turned into an on going residence with this man and his children. He was a Christian and attended church faithfully which he invited me to visit. I had never been in a church since I was a kid when my mother forced me to go to something I really hated. I was apprehensive about my neighbors invitation, but later found out the the church he went to had many people with the same kind caring attitude that he had shown me.


After church we had dinner together with his children and he showed me something very fascinating; it was a computer and a modem which allowed him to connect to the main computer at the school where he worked. I was intrigued by what he showed me and the evening went on to a game of chess which I played against the computer at the school where is worked as a math teacher. He asked me if I was interested in computers to which I enthusiastically said yes. After seeing my excitement about computers, he invited me to school with him the next day and see the computer lab which was associated with the math department. What transpired in the eight hours that I was there would be the most dynamic event of my life.

It was the excitement of being able to operate a powerful computer system directly from within his classroom technology lab that first motivated me but what I didn’t expected was the chance to meet his students. Something amazing happened as my rapport with the students was vary comfortable and natural as if I had finally discovered my purpose in life. My fascination with the computers allowed me to discover things about the workings of a computer and with each discovery the students of his class discovered along with me; in time the discoveries became mutual as students showed me what they had learned and I showed them what I had found out.

Everything happened so fast and I was soon lost in the world of discovery with students as if it were the most natural part of my life like breathing. I found that each night I would return to my neighbors house and made a request of him that he thought unusual and that was to sleep outside in my tent in his fenced in backyard. He said you are welcome to stay in my house and that I did, except for sleeping which I simply liked to do outside. This he understood and by the flower garden I set my tent in place.

My daily visits to his school were the highlight of each day and he could perceive I enjoyed interacting with the students. It was a few weeks later at his home after a busy day at school that he had an offer to speak to me about. He explained that his school needed to hire someone to serve as an in house substitute teacher and wondered if I would be interested. I was thrilled with the offer and took him up on it immediately. The next day I met the principal who was very cordial and explained the requirements of the teaching position. He said that since I was close to graduating at UCSD I had the qualifications to teach as an in house substitute teacher.

My time teaching at the high school was so wonderful, not because of money, but because it provided a wonderful chance for interaction with the students. As each week went by, I was staying later and later at the school to prepare for classes I had to teach the next day. Since I began my work in connection with my neighbor who taught in the math department, I made a place for myself in the math lab where I used the computer to develop lesson plans. In the beginning I would stay after school for thirty minutes during which many student would ask if they could come in and use the computers while I prepared; I told them sure. I let the students use the computers as long as I was there. What came out of this habit was totally amazing.

By the end of the first month I was staying after school for an hour or more. By the second month I was staying at school in the lab doing work until 9 pm and as I did this, students continued to populate the computer labs at night in large numbers. Finally the principal began receiving phone calls from parents to thank him for keeping the school open so late. Because the school was open late at night, parents discovered that their children were no longer in the streets at night getting in trouble bu were choosing to be in school working, experimenting and learning with the computers. The principal was surprised that I was staying so late allowing students to learn and explore without asking for extra pay; he was so happy with the parents and community positive response that he decided to give me my own office to work with students directly and more effectively.

So this far I have explained the foundation of education as being the transmission of essential frequently referred to as “secret” knowledge, which conveyed to young men the power to survive in nature by learning special or “secret” skills associated with an elder's life time experience of living with the forces of nature. The elders knew there were forces in nature that could be seen for which skills were taught by the community elders. Also there were forces of nature that were not perceived by the senses yet the knowledge of was intimately associated with survival, however this knowledge was defined by the spirit world of animals and nature. The key point in this is the relationship between education being an knowledge of the physical worlds balanced with knowledge of the spirit world. How does my personal story regarding how I became connected with education and students relate? I will press on to answer this question before returning to explore the origin of education as it exists today.

How does a person account for the changes that brings a life of daily maintenance of (F 14 Tomcats) machines used to expedite death and destruction on a large scale and nightly dabbling with recreational pharmacology and the default connection to organized crime to one of being a teacher of students all in a span of two weeks? Any person reading this could write it off as a lie, but this is not accurate. As a truth, how does one explain such a radical change in life styles? If I make public proclamation of my innate greatness to account for such a radical transition of life, there would have to be some kind of carry over of habits from my old life, however the authenticity of a genuine change of life is revealed through the lives of people who exert intensive scrutiny when it comes to examining a stranger who appears one day at their school. Parents instinctively do this in order to protect the children born to them. It is this overwhelming unsolicited vindication of my life by parents of children with whom I worked, before a community and a school principal which authenticates a change in my life not possible by human standards. To go from a life in service to darkness to one where parents descend upon a principals office in person and by phone to express their gratitude for a program that keeps their children away from paths that could lead them into life styles associated with the same drugs and destruction that I came out of, is no small matter. No, there is no person able to make such a transition from working with diabolically dark forces of drug abuse and military carnage to one where children are entrusted to them as a substitute teacher who works with them until the late hours of the night at school. Any explanation that indicates personal effort related to education through matter involving the physical world simply can't account for such a transition in life. Coming full circle to balance my personal testimony with the process of original education, this change in my life is attributed to matters of the Spirit and the world of the unseen.

This bicameral explanation for the process of authentic education in the lives of native tribal communities was replicated in the process of my personal leaning and as I hope to show, was preserved by the church through the fall of Rome and the Dark Ages. The current view of education emerged from a transmission of learning which held a close connection between learning related to the physical world and learning related to the spirit world as the church taught the God is the originator of all truth. In the foregoing link is a plethora of information which supports this understanding if the reader includes the cited references.


My point in this remedial reconsideration of education is its balanced dependance on knowledge of the physical and spiritual world. If anyone briefly analyzes the seals of many universities, they will find that God or God's Word both personally or the inspired written account is clearly indicated as the prime connections between knowledge and truth. Just before the frightening event involving the switch from a life dabbling in darkness to one open to Light, I was studying at the University of California San Diego. While studying, I one day happened to notice the great seal of the university which at that time was written in Latin; however, the copy I found on Wikipedia and left a link to the image which appears now in English. It is clear that the words inscribe on the banner across the book below the star is a verse from the Bible. Why do I place this link on this paragraph close to the end of the writing? It simply because I have been accused of talking about the Bible in public school which here on this seal of a university renown for it association to Salk Institute and Jonas E. Salk the discoverer of the salk polio vaccine.


In closing I must say that my inspiration for being a teacher in Alaska came from my association with Terri Austin whom I met in 1993 as she was taking a class of student to Denali Park to learn about topography and mapping techniques. Here was a woman who professed faith in God and actually made effort to develop an education methodology that fulfill the original tribal education method for survival in the real world. By taking student out to the world of nature she immersed them in a natural classroom which by it's location and environment, would leave a life long impression on childrens' lives. It was because of her exhortation along with the inspiration of a friend of mine who was a military helicopter pilot who became a teacher, I completed my teacher education with honors standing being recommended for the chancellors list three out of four years and for the deans list on the forth year.

I graduated with honor level recognition, received several scholastic achievements awards went on to do unique graduate research in Korea. After eleven years I returned to Alaska with hopes to impart the scintillating warmth and enthusiasm for education I found in Korea to the children of Alaska who I know don't have a tenth of the benefits of the joy that Korean children have. Promised an position upon my return with my Alaska certification, I was relegated to the position of a substitute teacher with all it stress and heart break of never really getting a chance to see children learn and develop as I did in Korea. I was compelled to deal with summer breaks, a time when American children don't go to school and teachers enjoy not being with students. The following year returned to substitute teaching hoping again for that one chance to teach as I did in Korea.

So why do I write all this stuff about school and education? Well let's just say that my focus has been taken up by my involvement with teaching children on a fairly regular basis. My time with them has been much like exploring a beautiful crystal that floats in the air diffracting a radiant white light their eyes are still young enough to look at and experience only joy. You know what I mean. Have you ever passed a playground on a cold rainy day and seen children running and playing while laughing having the time of their life; yet you look over and see adults sitting there all hunched over shivering in a state of cold misery. What is it about children that allows them to play and enjoy life while totally oblivious to rain, wind, bright sun light or hot summer days? Children have not reached the point where false beliefs distorts their world view like so many adults have.

Yeah, my life time with children has been one of exploring a light so bright and beautiful because in that light they can see all the way home. It's a brilliant beam that sheds light into every dark place.

I remember a little song called, “This Little Light of Mine” and now realize that I no longer have students to share with, I must do those things which will act to foster the hopes and dreams shared by the many children I met during my short time. Perhaps the most impressive memory I have originates from the response of one second grade boy who had listen closely to my story that spoke about the culture of Korea. I simply told them that Korea had a safe culture without drugs, violence or guns. I mentioned that families and society all loved their children so much that they made a national holiday that was like Mother's Day or Father's Day called "Children's Day" which was a time when the whole nation celebrated children and spent the entire day involved with recreation with their family, taking hikes in the mountains or playing at exciting water parks where children went down big slides into a beautiful pool of water with little waves moving across the surface.

After sharing this brief description of Korea's cultural differences, the children who heard the story all spoke highly of Korea. My story time happened just before I left to go back to Korea in February 2010 and it was kind of a goodbye story. After finishing the story, which was just before recess, many children asked why the United States doesn't have such celebrations when family joins together with other families. I simply told them that Korea had a culture that was different than the United States. As time for recess drew near, the students continued to talk among themselves about the exciting idea ofChildren's Day”; however, what I didn't expect, happened as the recess bell rang. Students began to line up in preparation for heading outside and as they did, one little boy came up to me and said with urgent longing in his voice, "Mr. Rice please don't leave me here. Please take me with you back to Korea. Please!" I told him I appreciate his interest but he would have to wait until he was old enough or able to come by permission. His heart fell. and sadness came upon his face as he realized that when he was old enough to go, the story I shared would be meaningless since he would no longer be a child. Even parents have told me that they wished that they lived in such a culture where they could be sure their children were safe and healthy.